Image Credit : felipelourentinodias (pixabay)
Despite the economic crisis that we are facing due to COVID-19, there’s a high demand for vacant land and residential construction. Thanks to both federal and state government that Western Australians can get up to $55K home builder grants (ends on Dec. 31, 2020).
Home Builder grants link: https://treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/homebuilder
If you have a subdividable land and thinking of selling it and make profits. Here’s a step by step guide on how to subdivide your land and save money from hiring a Project Manager.
Step 1:
Apply to Western Australia Planning Commission (WAPC) for land subdivision.
The following are WAPC requirements for the said application:
- Copy of Certificate of Title and Lot plan (not older than 6 months). You can get a copy in person or online at Landgate.
Landgate link: https://www0.landgate.wa.gov.au/titles-and-surveys/certificate-of-title
- Site feature survey. This can be done by a surveyor (not necessarily a licensed surveyor) or you (if you have a background in drafting and surveying). WAPC application guide (example of a subdivision plan on page 4) Link: https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/getmedia/b8a71d37-af9a-4ca5-aa72-1117a8cfbd29/GD-Guide_to_Subdivision_Applications_and_Fees_May2020
- Consent from landowners to subdivide the land.
- Required information about the proposal (the last page of WAPC’s FORM 1A).
- Submit FORM 1A and pay the application fee to WAPC in person, by mail, or online. Online is more convenient and faster.
WAPC FORM 1A link: https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/getmedia/e2501fdb-d798-4e11-9af9-cc816169816e/FRM-1A_9-6_May_2020.
WAPC e-lodgement: https://elodgement.planning.wa.gov.au/Pages/AbouteLodgement.aspx
Step 2:
WAPC will send you a notice of approval with conditions to be met.
The following conditions are:
- Local government. Contact your local council to know their requirements on how to get a subdivision clearance. You need to pay council fees for subdivision.
- Watercorp. You must pay Watercorp fees and install a new sewer junction. They will contact you on how to proceed.
Watercorp application Link: https://www.watercorporation.com.au/landdevelopment
- Western Power – You must pay for the application and installation of the power pillar (green dome). They will contact you on how to proceed.
Western Power application Link: https://westernpower.com.au/connections/power-supply/new-connections/
Step 3:
Contact the following contractors:
- Geotechnical engineer – for Geotechnical report and drainage design. You will need a geotechnical report to know your soil classification and recommendation on land remediation. Drainage design is needed if your local council requires you to have stormwater drainage pits in your property and will link to the council drain.
- Plumber – Must engage a licensed plumber to install the new sewer junction and drainage pits (if required by the council).
Watercorp cut-in sewer junction application Link: https://buildernet.watercorporation.com.au/
- Licensed Surveyor – to peg the land and make the deposited plan.
- Civil Contractors – for earthworks if remediation of land is required by the council.
Step 4:
Once you have the deposited plan submit it to Landgate together with the following documents:
- Form A6 – Application for Titles
- Duplicate Certificate of Title (if there’s no mortgage) or if there is a mortgage, you have to ask the bank/lender for it.
- Form B3 – signed Landgate Statutory Declaration
Landgate subdivision guide Link: https://www0.landgate.wa.gov.au/for-individuals/Land-Transactions-toolkit/land-titles-registration-policy-and-procedure-guides/practice-manual/subdivision-and-stratasurvey-strata-plans/sub-01-subdivision
Step 5:
Once all the works are done and fees are paid, you can apply for clearances from Local government, Watercorp, and Western Power.
To apply for clearances:
- Local government – must comply with their requirements e.g. remedial works (earthworks), installation of drainage pits, drainage contribution fee and other council subdivision fees.
- Watercorp – payment for future water service/connection fee and infrastructure contribution, As Constructed plan of the new sewer junction installed by the licensed plumber, Deposited plan from licensed surveyor, and signed Watercorp agreement.
Watercorp clearance application Link: https://www.watercorporation.com.au/Developing-and-building/Subdividing/Land-development/Land-development-applications#/form/593771f1980718126ce57f39/app/5fb5669bfe2a940d88913bae
- Western Power – payment for the application and installation of power pillar (power dome), Deposited plan.
Western Power clearance application Link: https://my.westernpower.com.au/applications/clearance-applications/subdivision-clearance/
Note: You can apply for Western Power clearance even if they haven’t installed the power pillar.
Step 6:
Submit all clearances to WAPC for dealing. Once WAPC approved it, you can now finally submit it to Landgate for new titles.
Hope this helps….